Tuesday, May 11, 2010

The Big Weekend

Well, fast approaching is the big weekend.  Seeing Mom and Dad in the same room for the first time in 17 years...  In each others' arms for the first time in more than 30 years!  Actually, I honestly can't remember the last time I saw "chemistry" between them.  This is going to be really weird.  You see, all I have in my mind is a short little 8mm (soundless) film of them as newlyweds, my Mom sitting on my Dad's lap, smoochin' away.

And now, I'm suddenly aware of how God's grace has permeated my life.  He's built something - my own little (or not-so) family, my wife, my kids - out of brokenness.  30 years of it.

Makes me want to go home and give my wife what we call a "fat-lip kiss".  You know the kind... wet and smashy. -- Oh yeah, and right in front of the children.  Let 'em make their own "mind-movie memory".